LAIM premium Eye Spray 15 ml

97% recommends
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Properties - LAIM premium Eye Spray 15 ml

Manufacturer: Schalcon
Volume: 15 ml
Usability after opening: 6 months
Contains Sodium hyaluronate: Yes
Preservatives: Yes
Can be used with contact lenses: Yes
Medical Device: Yes


175 of our customers recommend this product reviews are not verified

Comments (17)

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Brought this along on a skiing holiday, and it was just brilliant. Didn't realize how dry my eyes were getting in the mountains, but this spray works great.


Great spray, i was skeptical at first, but it truly works just as well as regular drops.

Carla Brown

Tried this spray on a whim, and have been highly pleased with the results. My eyes are incredibly dry this time of year, and it seems to work wonders. I'd recommend it to anyone.


Great for when driving long distances. My eyes don't get so tired now. I recommend this product highly.


Very good product. My eyes tend to get quite dry in the winter, so I expect this will help in the coming months.


Unique product. Very helpful for dry eyes. Thank you for the quick dispatch and delivery.


Really innovative concept. I dislike regular drops, so this has been a lifesaver.


Very refreshing spray. Super easy to apply on the go - not as awkward to apply as eye drops


A lifesaver for anyone who works in an air conditioned space. Between the AC and staring at the computer screen, this spray is a welcome relief.


I'm a graphic designer, and this helps during long hours at the computer screen. Highly recommend it for anyone who has to work on a computer for many hours each day.


I'm not a contact lens-wearer myself, but I borrowed this spray from my husband, and now he's had to order a new one for himself :) Excellent product, better than any drops I've ever used.


This spray is brilliant and the first thing I packed for my holiday. It's an absolute must-have for warm summer days.


I'll never go back to eye drops. This wonderful spray is endlessly convenient, even on the go, in public.


Awesome product. Does the job, and doesn't make a mess of my eye makeup. I can highly recommend this.


What an interesting concept! The spray is quite refreshing and works just as well as normal eye drops.

Daniel R.

Very pleasant and refreshing feeling. Thank you for the advice and great communication.


This is a great for anyone (like me) who hates eye drops. No worries of touching your eye to the bottle, and you can't miss with the spray