1 Day Acuvue TruEye (90 lenses)

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Properties - 1 Day Acuvue TruEye (90 lenses)

Manufacturer: Johnson and Johnson
BC: 9.00, 8.50
DIA: 14.20
Pack size: 90 lenses
Replacement schedule: 1 Day
Product name: 1 Day Acuvue TruEye
Oxygen permeability: 118 Dk/t
Expiration: 12 months and more
Water content: 46%
Power range: from -12.00 to +6.00
Lenses Material: Narafilcon A
Extended or overnight wear: No
UV filter: Yes
Medical Device: Yes


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Comments (1)

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Filipa Basnett

The quality of these lenses really stands out. They perform well right throughout the day and ensure that I can see clearly at all times which is what i've been looking for in a daily lens.