Crullé Anti-fog cleaning spray for glasses 30 ml

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Properties - Crullé Anti-fog cleaning spray for glasses 30 ml

Accessories colour: Transparent
Manufacturer: Crullé
Volume: 30 ml
Kinds of Glasses: Designer Glasses


88 of our customers recommend this product reviews are not verified

Comments (2)

Do you have any questions?

Hi, is this product suitable for laboratory glasses? Thanks


Hi, This spray is usually used for standard eye glasses, we advice you to contact a professional that can confirm if this is suitable for laboratory conditions. If you have any more questions, please contact us at

Jebin Aniyachan

Does this work on prescription moisture chamber glasses?


Hi Jebin. This spray may work on moisture chamber glasses but unfortunately, we cannot guarantee. We recommend consulting your optician for potential solutions to fogging moisture chamber glasses. Thanks, Alensa