HORIEN Contact Lens Solution
Horien is a
multipurpose solution designed to disinfect and preserve soft contact lenses.
The solution is also suitable for sensitive eyes, as its pH level is similar to
that of human tears. This package contains a 360 ml bottle with one
antibacterial lens case.
We also offer a larger package of Horien solution at a
bargain price.
Disinfecting and cleaning system
Horien solution
destroys harmful bacteria and uses the cleaning ingredients POLOXAMER and
edetate, which remove protein deposits accumulated on the lenses during wear.
The unique composition then ensures adequate moistening and lubrication of the
lenses throughout the day.
Cleaning without rubbing
solution cleans lenses and removes impurities without the need to rub the lenses
in your palm before and after wearing. If not rubbed, the lenses must be placed
in a case with Horien solution for at least six hours to achieve optimal
Note: Most experts still recommend rubbing the lens in your
palm with a solution, as it is the most effective way to remove deposits. Please
consult with your eye-care professional before beginning to use Horien
For excellent comfort and effective moisturising, we also
recommend our most popular solutions Laim-Care and Gelone.