Proclear Sphere (6 lenses)

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Properties - Proclear Sphere (6 lenses)

Manufacturer: CooperVision
BC: 8.60
DIA: 14.20
Pack size: 6 lenses
Expiration: 12 months and more
Replacement schedule: 30 Days
Oxygen permeability: 42 Dk/t
Water content: 62%
Power range: from -20.00 to +20.00
Extended or overnight wear: No
UV filter: No
Lenses Material: Omafilcon B
Product name: Proclear Compatibles Sphere
Medical Device: Yes


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Comments (8)

Do you have any questions?

hello - is it possible to order proclear 1 day sphere? i am happy with these proclear compatible sphere, but would like some dailies. TIA


Hi Misha, Yes, Proclear 1 Day are the daily version of Proclear Sphere. You can find more information about this product here…ay-30-lenses

Stuart Lorry

Do you have Proclear compatibles toric version? I've just had a vision check up and need to find something for astigmatism. Thanks.


Hello Stuart, Yes, Proclear lenses are available for astigmatism correction, and you'll find that product here:…ric-6-lenses

Audrey Framington

Are Proclear compatibles discontinued now? My optician tried to sell me something else, but I'd prefer to stay with this brand if possible. Can anyone advise?


Hi Audrey, Proclear Compatibles contacts are still in production, and we have plenty in stock. You may wish to try your optician's recommendation, but if you're happy with Proclear, there's no need to change.


Good afternoon, could you clarify the difference between proclear compatibles vs acuvue oasys?


Hi Ben, There are a few differences between Proclear Compatibles and Acuvue Oasys. The first is that Acuvue are bi-weekly and Proclear are monthly lenses. The Proclear Compatibles have a slightly higher water content, but they are not approved for extended or overnight wear as the Acuvue are. You can read more about the Acuvue Oasys lens properties here:…sys-6-lenses

Carrie B

Does proclear compatibles water content mean they are better for dry eyes?


Dear Carrie, yes, many people find Proclear lenses for dry eyes to be a great option. Their water content (62%) is one of the highest on the market.


Hello, I've got quite dry eyes, and read that proclear compatible sphere are suitable for longer wear without becoming uncomfortable. Are there any other comparable options, or is this the best for dry eyes?


Hello Clodagh, Yes, Proclear Compatibles contacts are comfortable for dry eyes due to their high water content and oxygen permeability. You can compare these numbers across all of our monthly lenses. Our TopVue Monthly Plus lenses also feature a high water content for increased comfort…lus-6-lenses


Best price around for Proclear Compatibles. I'll continue to order from


Reliable lenses, and your delivery is super speedy and trustworthy. Thank you for the great experience as a first-time customer on your site.