Proclear Multifocal (3 lenses)

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Properties - Proclear Multifocal (3 lenses)

Manufacturer: CooperVision
BC: 8.70
DIA: 14.40
Pack size: 3 lenses
Add power: +1.00 D, +1.00 N, +1.50 D, +1.50 N, +2.00 D, +2.00 N, +2.50 D, +2.50 N
Expiration: 12 months and more
Replacement schedule: 30 Days
Oxygen permeability: 42 Dk/t
Water content: 62%
Power range: from -8.00 to +6.00
Extended or overnight wear: No
UV filter: No
Lenses Material: Omafilcon B
Product name: Proclear Multifocal
Medical Device: Yes


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Comments (2)

Do you have any questions?
Steve Hunt

What is the difference between Proclear multifocal and proclear multifocal xr?


Hi Steve, Proclear Multifocal contact lenses also feature an "extended range" (xr) of prescription strengths. Proclear Multifocal XR has powers ranging from -20.0 to +20.0 and ADD powers up to +4.00. If your prescription is outside the range of powers offered by Proclear Multifocal (-8.0 to +6.0), you'll need the XR range.


With proclear multifocal add powers, how do i know which eye is d and which eye is n???


Dear Sharon, D and N refer to your dominant and non-dominant eyes. This information should be available in your prescription. If you have questions about which of your eyes is dominant, it's best to check with your optician to confirm.