Gelone Solution 3 x 360 ml

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* Free delivery for all contact lenses and eyewear!
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Properties - Gelone Solution 3 x 360 ml

Manufacturer: Soleko
Solution type: Universal
Volume: 3x360 ml
Expiration: 12 months and more
Usability after opening: 3 months
Contains Sodium hyaluronate: Yes
Preservatives: Yes
Medical Device: Yes


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Comments (8)

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Sam Donnelly

The best contact lens solution for dry eyes. I've tried so many, and this is the best for me. If you have sensitive eyes, I highly recommend Gelone.


Easy to order, and package arrived promptly. Great service.


This package is just perfect for our family - we go through solution very quickly, and this seems to work well for my husband, daughter and me.


Very happy I bought the bulk package. It seems as though I may never run out of solution!


What a relief to be able to buy this solution in a larger bundle. It really saves me time and €€ , I do appreciate it as a busy working mum.


Definitely worth it to buy the multiples. We go through it quickly in our house. Does wonders for our lenses too. Clean and clear throughout the month.


Definitely worth it to buy the multiples. We go through it quickly in our house. Does wonders for our lenses too. Clean and clear throughout the month.


Very nice solution and I can't beat the price. Ordering multiples saves time and shipping when combined with my lenses order.