LAIM-CARE Solution 3x400 ml

99% recommends
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* Free delivery for all contact lenses and eyewear!
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Properties - LAIM-CARE Solution 3x400 ml

Manufacturer: Esoform
Solution type: Universal
Volume: 3x400 ml
Expiration: 12 months and more
Usability after opening: 3 months
Contains Sodium hyaluronate: Yes
Preservatives: Yes
Medical Device: Yes


73 of our customers recommend this product reviews are not verified

Comments (6)

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Leanne Rourke

Good value solution. Always handy to have it when you wear monthly lenses.

Sean Pound

Good solution and it's useful that you get the additional lens cases in the package too.


Satisfactory solution - good value. Overall pleased with my order from Alensa.

Mikayla K.

I've had problems with other solutions drying my eyes out, but this is perfect. I'drecommend it to anyone with persistent dry eyes.


Good solution, and the multi pack is perfect for our family who go through solution very quickly. Saves having to run to the shop all the time.


The big package is great for our family. We're all satisfied with the solution, so it works out wonderfully for us.